You will always have to navigate your relationship through transitions.
Some of those are transitions within the relationship. For example, moving in together, getting married, and having children are common transitions.
Other transitions are life issues that impact relationships. Job changes, relocation, and loss of extended family members are a few examples.
It is always challenging to navigate your relationship through transitions. In fact, sometimes transitions can feel like endings.
However, if you have a strong foundation then you can get your relationship through transitions with relative ease. You can draw on the positive emotional connection you have developed. Doing so, you can find ways that both of you feel loved and supported despite big changes.
Stay Connected to Your Relationship through Transitions
No matter what is going on around you, take the time to connect together as a couple. Connecting means spending time together. More than that, though, it means sharing. Connecting means that you both express yourselves emotionally. Furthermore, you work hard to understand each other. Consider these ways to stay connected as you take your relationship through transitions:
- Make it a habit to hug, kiss, and hold hands. This reminds you of your shared love.
- Set aside twenty minutes each evening to talk about your day. Listen closely and share authentically.
- Have a date night. Whether it’s once a week or once a month, this ritual is a time for you to be together regardless of what else is going on in life.
- Articulate your experience. As much as possible, open up to your partner about how the transitions feel for you.
- Get curious about your partner’s experience. Accept what’s going on for them without judgment.
- Keep up comforting rituals and traditions. Don’t abandon them during times of change.
Open Up and Take a Leap of Faith
As you take your relationship through transitions, try to embrace a positive attitude. Believe that everything will work out as it should. The problem with transitions is that you’re in the middle of change. Therefore, you don’t know what lies ahead. As a result, many people get scared. That fear can make you shut down, act defensive, or be quick to anger.
Unfortunately, that makes the relationship stressful during a time when you need less stress. Try to embrace optimism and excitement during times of transition. See the glass as half full. More than that, see life, even amid change, as a glass you still enjoy sharing with one another.
Treat Each Other Gently and Kindly
In other words, practice gratitude and being gracious with your partner. Apologize often. Be slow to react. Remember, your partner is probably just as scared as you are about what’s on the other side of this transition. Treat them with care and kindness. When you’re frustrated, draw on the well of experiences and positive emotions you developed in the past.
Remember that Transition is Temporary but Still Important
People like to rush through transitions. After all, change is uncomfortable. You want to get to the other side as fast as possible. At the same time, it feels like the way things are now is how they will be forever. You can start to get anxious, feeling like the discomfort of today is how things are going to be tomorrow.
As a result, what you most need is patience. Recognize that things are going to be different soon. Remember that whatever the transition is won’t be the same one year or five years or ten years from now. In fact, almost everything will be different by then. Remember, too, that even if it’s uncomfortable, the lessons you can learn during this stage are important. Don’t skip the process in an effort to get to a different place.
Therapy can help you navigate your relationship through transitions. Please consider a consultation soon. Learn more about my services here.
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